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Category: Philanthropy

Andrea Bartzen and the Global Passion Projects: Transforming Lives Through Art, Science, and Philanthropy

Over the past 13 months, aid for those affected by the devastating October 7th attacks has poured into Israel in a variety of shapes and forms. Physical support, such as resources and donations, has been generously provided to alleviate the distress brought about by the gruesome assault. At the same time, millions around the world have contributed emotional support by keeping those afflicted in their thoughts, prayers, and blessings.

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Legacy in Craft: Solange Pot’s Gift to the Megera Children

At the heart of this year’s Genesis Friends for Life Global Foundation’s One-Year Memorial Gala, Solange Pot, a celebrated writer and Holocaust educator, will unveil beautiful handcrafted Legacy Boxes—a tribute to resilience, memory, and interfaith understanding. Flying in from Belgium for the November 21 event in Miami, Solange will present the largest of these exquisite pieces for auction and another four to the Megera children, honoring their loss and the enduring strength of their family.

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Saving the Gulf of California: Women Scientists, Environmentalists, and Community Leaders Join Forces

ORGCAS is a non-profit organization founded by women with diverse expertise, united by their passion for the ocean and dedication to its preservation. They are currently conducting programs to create change and provide solutions to issues in the ecosystem, its coasts, and its communities, working with four primary conservation strategies: science, education, tourism, and communication.

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This Giving Tuesday, We Stand with the Orphans, Widows, Children, and Families in Israel: Please Join Us!

As the world turns the calendar page from November to December, citizens everywhere shift their holiday focus from the season of thankfulness to the season of giving. Encompassing holidays such as Chanukah, Christmas, Boxing Day, and Kwanaza, the giving season is highlighted by spreading good wishes and positive energy by collectively focusing on generosity and supporting those who are in need.

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Bringing Joy to Orphans in Israel

Earlier this year, our generous Club members, working with Simcha Connections, based in our global headquarters city in Miami, Florida, sponsored a Shabbat Kidush at the Kotel in Jerusalem, sponsoring Bar & Bat Mitzvah celebrations.

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Orphans in Israel

Genesis Club members
are proudto support children in Israel whohave lost their parents by
providing living essentials, education, and bar mitzvah’s and bat mitzvahs.

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